Hub Kami : 0857 1772 2220
Senin - Sabtu : 08.00 - 22.00



Bromo And Malang is the most favorite tourism in esat java, everything you can get some different, from your experience till your thinking about east java before. Bromo mount have a beautiful sunrise and sea of sand, thats make it so good to visit. And Malang have too many tourism attraction from the chill to old, they availble in Batu Malan.


  • Tour & Meal sesuai dengan Jadwal 
  • Mineral water Bottol 600ml/pax/day 
  • Tour Leader 
  • PPPK & Asuransi


  • Optional Tour (Kegiatan/ Tour di Luar paket 
  • Tip Guide/ Driver (Sukarela/ Optional) 
  • Pengeluaran Pribadi (Laundry, Minum + Makan di luar Paket

Fisrt Day (Dinner)

The tour start from Jogja at 10 am, and we will arrived in Bromo, Malang, Jatim at 6 pm, the tourist activity in Bromo tour the early morning at 3 am, because the bromo package is the tourist can be pass and look beautiful sunrise in bromo, and then dinner in BJ PERDANA HOTEL and check in, and the time can be. break or free. 

Second Day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

The second day the tourist wake at 2.30 am to prepare tour, the then at 3 am they must ready to start the tour taken by jeep. When on the way you can see beautiful view from sea of san (lautan pasir), till the peak of bromo thr tourist can enjoy looking the sun rise and the time is free till at 8 am. Came back in hotel and lunch, after that lets  check out and continued the tour to Batu, Malang. Arrived in malang at 2 pm, and then check in at PRIMA ASRI MALANG HOTEL, Tourist can break of tired from the bromo tour, but at 4.30 pm the  tourist must be ready to continued the tour to BNS (Batu Night Spektakuler). In BNS (Batu Night Spektakuler) we dinner in local resto before activity in BNS. From BNS we go back the Hotel to break and prepare to next tour tomorrow (and prepare to check out).

Third Day (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)

At the third day after breakfast the tourist check-out from hotel, and continued the tour. The next destination is JATIM PARK 2, JATIM PARK 2 is a one of tourism education and  recreation popular in eastjava, because they  have have 2 object in 1 destination, the is Museum Satwa and Batu Secret zoo. Museum Satwa has a building which is very similar to the White House in the United States. In the museum's animals, there are a lot of animals (preserved) on display and some form of dinosaur fossils. The first time you log into the museum, visitors will find a giant bird cage inside decorated like a flower garden and bird sculptures. Here visitors can take pictures with a backdrop of the cage. And Batu Secret Zoo is the main part of the vehicle Java Park 2. That is a mini zoo but has a collection of animals that quite a lot, both native to Indonesia and animals imported from abroad. From Jatim park 2 we go to souvenir shop and we wanna go back the Jogja at 2 pm, and arrived in jogja at 10 am.

Price  :

4 person   : Idr 1.250.000/person

6 person   : Idr 1.200.000/person

8 person   : Idr 1.500.000/person

10 person : Idr    975.000/person

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